2024-25 Rep Player Evaluation Schedule - REVISED MAY 6, News (Orillia Minor Hockey Association)

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May 01, 2024 | Jennifer McLean | 1870 views
2024-25 Rep Player Evaluation Schedule - REVISED MAY 6
Thank you for your patience as we organize 2024-25 Evaluations.  

We have had an increase in registrants this year, a significant number of late registrants and in some good news we have added a U15B/C evaluation. Unfortunately, this has slightly altered our original evaluation times.   

Please look at the Evaluation schedule (below) closely as almost all times have changed.

The final U14 evaluation has moved to the morning to accommodate the first U15B/C evaluation. 

U13, U14, and U16 will have split sessions for the first two evaluations. You will receive your session (via email) prior to the first evaluation, so be prepared to be there for the initial time. For split sessions, Group A will go 1st at the first evaluation followed by Group B. This will be reversed at the second evaluation. The sessions will be split evenly in a fair manner by the coaches and Orillia Minor Hockey.

Invites to the third and final evaluation will occur in all age groups after the second evaluation. Orillia Minor Hockey members who do not make the A team are invited to the B/C evaluations for U11, U13 and U15. U18C evaluations will take place in the fall after the U18A evaluations.

The evaluation schedule is below.

Please aim to arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled evaluation time to check in and receive an evaluation jersey.

Teams will be picked based on the evaluations that will be done by independent evaluators who are not affiliated with Orillia Minor Hockey.

We do our best to have the evaluation results posted on the website within 2 hours of the end of the evaluation– you can identify your child by the last 4 digits in their HCR number.  This can be found beside your child’s name on the receipt that you received from Hockey Canada when you registered.

                                                                                               REVISED MAY 6/24




2024-2025 SEASON


Sat. May 4/24

9:00AM-10:25AM- U10 A

10:35AM-12:00PM-U11 A


Mon. May 6/24

4:30PM-5:30PM-U10 A

5:40PM-7:00PM-U12 A

7:10PM-8:10PM and 8:10PM-9:10PM-U13 A

9:20PM-10:30PM-U15 A


Thurs. May 9/24

4:30PM-5:30PM-U11 A

5:40PM-6:50PM-U12 A

7:00PM-7:55PM and 7:55PM-8:50PM-U13 A

9:00PM-9:55PM –FLOOD-10:05PM-11:00PM-U16 A


Fri. May 10/24

4:30PM-5:30PM-U12 A

5:40PM-6:40PM-U13 A

6:50PM-7:50PM and 7:50PM-8:50PM-U14A

9:00PM-10:30PM-U15 A


Sat. May 11/24

8:20AM-9:20AM – U10 A

9:30AM-10:30AM-U11 A

10:40AM-11:40AM-U13 B

11:50AM-12:40PM and 12:40PM-1:30PM-U14 A

1:40PM-2:40PM-U15 A

2:50PM-3:35PM -FLOOD- 3:45PM-4:30PM-U16 A


Sun. May 12/24

7:10AM-8:10AM-U11 BB

8:20AM-9:40AM-U14 A

9:50AM-11:00AM-U13 BB

11:10AM-12:40PM-U16 A

12:50PM-2:20PM-U15 C

2:30PM-3:30PM-U11 BB


Mon.May 13/24

9:00PM-10:00PM-U15 C
