Feb 02, 2025 | Jennifer McLean | 1021 views
Special Meeting - New Board Members Needed
To our Members:
The Orillia Minor Hockey Association board is required to have at least 7 board members to reach quorum, currently we stand at 6 board members, therefore we have changed the Feb 11 date to be our Special Meeting to vote new board members onto the board and satisfy our quorum needs.
**The meeting will take place at 7pm, February 11, 2025 at Rotary in the Meeting room**
At this time, the re-organization re-vote is POSTPONED and will be addressed with further communication after the Special Meeting on Feb 11.
We are posting to fill the following vacant positions. These positions will be effective from February 11, 2025 to the AGM, April 22, 2025.
Director of House League U7 to U11
Director of House League U13 to U21
Director of Education and Development
Director of Equipment
To be eligible to fill any of the positions listed, a member MUST:
Be at least 21 years of age;
Not be an undischarged bankrupt (be a member in good standing);
Be a regular Member of the Orillia Minor Hockey Association;
Have a complete and satisfactory Vulnerable Sector Check
These positions will be voted on at the meeting, so all those that have expressed interest MUST be in attendance as their position will be effective immediately.
Please note the following person(s) are eligible to vote:
1 parent/guardian of a registered player
Members of the Board of Directors
Appointed volunteers (Committee member, such as Finance or Banquet planning committees)
Players 18 years of age or older
Lifetime Members
There is only one (1) vote per household no matter how many kids are registered per family or how many categories an individual falls under. Members must be in good standing to vote.
For further information please see the Orillia Minor Hockey Association Bylaws, Article 4: Membership for additional information on Membership. NO proxies will be permitted, you must attend to cast your vote.
Under section 5.2 of the Orillia Minor Hockey Association By-Laws, due to the recent number of vacancies on the Board of Directors there is not a Quorum of Directors to carryout the business of the Association and the remaining Directors shall immediately call a Meeting of the Members to fill one position and up to as many as six positions if enough members are interested in becoming a Member of the Orillia Minor Hockey Association Board of Directors for the remainder of the 2024-25 hockey season.
To express your interest in any of the positions noted, you can submit a written and signed letter stating the position you wish to fill, to the board for consideration. The letter must be sealed in an envelope with 'Board' written on the front and placed under the Orillia Minor Hockey Assocation office door no later than February 9, 2025 at noon. (Office is located in Rotary by the rock wall. Our office is the door on the right)
If you have any questions please consult the bylaws posted on our website or reach out to [email protected] or through any of our social media pages.